Thursday, February 11, 2010

bitch session 2

I was in class today and this girl decided to start eating a sandwhich. This isn't horrible, I understand people get hungry during class...but this was a TUNA sandwhich. Really?
So here's my bitch. Why do people bring food with strong smells to social places. I worked at an office where majority of the people would bring their lunch and heat it up in the kitchen which happened to be right by the front door. There was a company that always had two or three people who brought indian food for lunch. I have nothing against that...not a huge fan of it but to each their own. For those of you who have never smelled indian food the aroma is very strong. Its not a smell that everyone likes. It would linger long after the cooking was done and when visitors came into the office it was obvious by their faces that it was not pleasant. Isn't this social etiquite? I guess I just always assumed people all knew the unspoken rule that you don't bring things that have strong smells to public places to eat.



  1. Totally agree with you. The suitemates I had freshman year always cooked Indian food in their room and it alllllways made my roommate and I want to vomit. Tuna also smells gross, but my huge thing: pickles. Since the 3rd grade, I can not STAND the slightest smell of them. One whiff and I'm ready to hurl. I hope your class wasn't too long. :)

  2. Oh I am with you 100%!! My desk is RIGHT by the lunch room and I smell EVERYTHING good and bad. I just think people should stay away from bringing strong smelling food anywhere! Be considerate! Hopefully she reads this blog lol =D

  3. haha, that's my thing. I no I eat things that probably smell awful to other people but I don't bring them to class/work. and kristen nope this is a three hour long class, in a tiny hot class room. it's horrible
