Wednesday, January 20, 2010


i was browsing the internet today and came across a blog that listed their favorite things. unfortunately it was while i was getting ready for school. (yes, browsing the internet is apart of my morning ritual) and when i finally had time to write this blog i could no longer find it. so there is no link but it inspired me to write a list of my favorite things.

that blog had a set number, i will not. I have a lot of favorite things, and putting a number on it would just make it difficult to write them all down. so here's a list. i'm sure it will be added to but this is the beginning :). enjoy.

1. the sound of autumn leaves crunching under my feet
2. the smell of fall
3. new bed sheets (this is a new one. i've discovered this a few days ago. I bought my first pair of sheets since i've been living on my own and laying down in them was heaven. jersey sheets of course)
4. citizen cope (if you have never heard of him check him out. he's amazing.)
5. sleepytime tea
6. being able to see my breath in the winter
7. snow flakes in my hair
8. Edward's "no fear" tattoo :)
9. flip flops
10. thunderstorms
11. black and white photographs
12. doing things i've never done before
13. reading
14. jewelry
15. edward's smell
16. beeb
17. mascara
18. mini vacations
19. hand made pottery
20. wild flowers
21. planning my future (not including my career because i'm clueless about that)
22. being cold
23. cuddling
24. "we're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl"
25. stretch pants

i think 25 is good for now :). of course this list goes without saying that my family is my most favorite thing...but they all know that.

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