Day 29 - Something you could never get tired of doing.
Spending lazy Sundays in bed with Mr. E. There's something about waking up late, eating a good breakfast, and spending the day in bed watching football. My weeks are packed with school, work, and stress, so when the weekend comes around all I want to do is RELAX. Mr. E spends Saturday doing the million things I want to do and we spend Sunday in bed watching TV.
Day 30 - A photograph of yourself today + three good things that have happened in the past 30 days.
I took this picture while I was decorating the house this morning. So please excuse the roughness that is my morning face.
I'm finally done with this questionaire, and while it took me a little longer than 30 days I'd say it was a success. I actually blogged more than I probably would have and you all got to learn new things about me. Now since we're getting into holiday season I'll be sure to blog as often as I was. So three good things that happened to me in the past thirty days... here we go.
1. I was offered/considered for a promotion. My boss asked me if I'd be interested in become a Sr. Rep in the call center I work for. Initially I was very excited and said yes I would love to do that. After thinking about it over the weekend I went in on Monday and declined the offer. I've got so much on my plate right now with school and working that adding anymore res[onsibility would be stupid on my part. I understand you're only given what you can handle...but sometimes you have to make the choices yourself :)
2. I was approved for a General Education Waiver. I found out when I went to register that one of the classes I took to cover my US History gen ed requirement didn't fulfill it. I was a mess and had to argue my case to about four different people in order to get them to count the class. I won't go into the gory details but lets just celebrate that I'm still able to graduate in May and that the crisis was avoided. Now I just have to get a 100 level class waiver. Oh's amazing how much I won't miss you.
3. I found a really cute bag for 10 dollars. I love bags, I love saving money...put those two together and you get a very happy Lauren. It was on sale at target for ten bucks...and I've definitely used it enough to justify a ten dollar purchase :) here ya go
peace & love
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