Wednesday, October 13, 2010

another day of catch up, happy birthdays and surprises.

Day 10 - A photo of your favorite place to eat.
 it's hard to say where my favorite place to eat is. honestly it depends on my mood, for example it's been the salad bar at hannaford. A few weeks ago it was chinese from Lucky Garden. Most of all I like cooking at home. So here's a picture of the last thing I made for myself :) pretty much the same as always. pesto chicken pizza

Day 11 - What's in your makeup bag.
My makeup bag has always been pretty simple. I have the same eye shadow I wear almost every day, mascara, bronzer, and concealer. Of course I have tons of eye shadow, but it never gets worn and it sits in my drawer. So for my everyday make up bag it's as follows.  
Day 12 - A photograph of the town you live in
I'm sorry to say that I don't take very many pictures of Albany. Partially because whenever I'm out and about I am usually running around doing all kinds of things and taking pictures isn't on my mind. (shocker i know). The other reason is because I am still having a hard time liking this place. I enjoy everyone I meet, and have fun when I'm out with my friends...but I'm homesick for Virginia. I miss fairfax and have been having serious home sick episodes recently. So here's one of the few pictures I have of Albany. It's the grocery store the other day. I walked in and all the lights were out. Generator went out or something...everyone was walking around looking very confused. Needless to say it was a little exciting walking around a dark grocery store. 
(sorry for it being so blurry)

Day 13 - Your favorite musician and why?
My favorite musician changes just as quickly as my clothes. My mood dictates who I listen to and who I obsess over. Right now I've been listening to  Bedouin Soundclash. Who knows what it will be tomorrow. Enjoy :)
Day 14 - A TV show you're currently addicted to.
Tonight instead of doing homework I decided to travel on over to CW's website. I caught up on my guilty pleasure shows and then stumbled upon their new show Hellcat's. I'm disgusted with myself, but four episodes in this clearly is a show that I will be watching on a weekly basis. I'm too embarassed to even explain what it's about so you'll have to dig up that dirt on your own. Let's just saw if you think watching Bring it On is a guilty pleasure this kicks that movies ass. 

Day 15 - Something you don't leave the house without.
This is simple, mascara, lip balm, my ipod and a hair tie. I'm pretty convinced that if I had to live off of what was in my purse I'd easily survive a zombie attack, and look good doing it :). 

this past weekend my mom and michael surprised me and came to ny for the weekend. so giant thank you to them for making the eight hour trip to help cure my home sickness :)
oh and of course.

happy belated birthday to the best momma in the world :)

peace & love

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